「Monkeyshine」 作詞∶SAWAO YAMANAKA 作曲∶JIRO 歌∶THE PREDATORS We aren't the type to waver from before. You said that one might fail again. I have a band-aid. And you have a blues harp. Freedom, folly, Well, we'll go out. I don't want to absorb air until yesterday. You and I should not be here any more. This one way can not go back! This one way can not go back! We don't understand a goal from before. I said that it was too tedious. I have a small car. And you have whiskey soda. Future, good joke, Well, we'll go out. I don't want to absorb air until yesterday. You and I should not be here any more. This one way can not go back! This one way can not go back! ☆→Lrc By VINE ∞ Hell's Gate LRC Team←★ 終わり