David Gray - Kathleen 歌词整理:★ 朱古力 QQ:40450322 ★ Lay down my head by the wayside My worn out shoes Quite why she went I can’t decide Yeah but I sure could use One plate of food steaming and hot Clean linen ironed On a fresh made bed but I ain’t got One salty dime, one salty dime One salty dime Just close your eyes it won’t take long It won’t hurt a bit Telling myself I could be strong Or some such brave bullshit Trucks are roaring by I’m a red ghost In their tail light gleam I’m a tumbleweed, I’m a spit roast Just turning in your flame Oh my darlin’ Kathleen Cars they sound like waves that are breaking On some distant shore I gazed so hard into the great aching sky It seemed that I, I wasn’t here no more That my rushing blood was a river My eyes two stars My blowing hair all a quiver A whispering field of grass That murmurs as you pass Oh my darlin’ Kathleen That whispers out your name Oh my darlin’ Kathleen Oh my darlin’ Kathleen 歌词整理:★ 朱古力 QQ:40450322 ★