专辑数: 3 歌曲数:31
royksopp是来自挪威的双人组合,是目前炙手可热且深获好评的电音团体之一。虽然来自冰冷的北国,但royksop p玩出的音乐,却是温暖舒服的,毫无刺骨的感觉,却让人体会到睡在丝绸棉被之中的松软、光滑和懒洋洋。 royksopp由挪威tromso地方的torbjorn brundtland和svein berge组成,他们早在上个世纪90年代就开始活动,其间间断过一些时候,1998年再度组合,此后他们签约big beat品牌wall of sounds,在发表了单曲“eple”后于2001年底出版了这张他们的第一张专辑。 从音乐上看,royksopp的音乐,融合了ambient、breakbeat和trip-hop,但他们的音乐并没有单纯三 者结合,所以你感受不到传统ambient的冗长、breakbeat的碎杂和trip-hop的诡异,却听到了一首首标准歌曲 长度、听觉上十分惬意具催眠效果的音乐。
代表作:《Poor Leno》《Only this moment》
专辑:《Melody A.M.》、《The Understanding》、《What Else Is There》
Norwegian duo Röyksopp compensated for the cold climes of their native Tromsø by making some of the warmest, most inviting downbeat electronica of the new millennium, exemplified by early singles like Eple and Poor Leno. The pair, Torbjørn Brundtland and Svein Berge, both grew up in Tromsø and began recording in the early '90s. Local-made-good Geir Jenssen (aka Biosphere) provided tutelage and almost convinced the duo to record for R&S sublabel Apollo. After a few years apart, Brundtland and Berge met up again in Bergen and re-formed Röyksopp in 1998.
The group released a few singles on Tellé, then signed up to the big beat label Wall of Sound. The Röyksopp debut was 2001's Eple single; both "Eple" and another track ("Poor Leno") earned slots on over a dozen chillout compilations that year or the next. Their first full-length, Melody A.M., appeared in late 2001. After spending a few years performing live and remixing artists including Beck and Annie, Röyksopp returned with new material in 2005: the single Only This Moment heralded the summer release of the duo's second album, The Understanding, which featured more traditionally structured songs than their earlier work. The live EP Röyksopp's Night Out appeared a year later.