歌手图片:The Edge
歌手头像:The Edge
艺人:The Edge
专辑数: 1 歌曲数:10
The Edge歌手简介:
大卫·荷威·伊凡斯 (David Howell Evans,1961年8月8日-),较为知名的是他的艺名The Edge,出生于伦敦的爱尔兰人,爱尔兰乐团U2的主吉他手,但也会兼任和声、键盘手、副贝斯吉他手。他招牌的多样电吉他声已经成为U2著名的特色。2003年,获选为滚石杂志“音乐史上百大吉他手”第24位。
  出生于英格兰东伦敦巴金 (Barking)医院,父母分别为威尔士人贾文 (Garvin)和葛雯达 (Gwenda),有位兄长狄克 (Dik)。1岁时,全家搬至爱尔兰都柏林郡的马拉海德 (Malahide),日后就读于圣安德鲁国民学校 (St. Andrew's National School)。从小就开始接受钢琴与吉他的才艺课程,当小赖瑞·慕兰在学校找乐手组乐团时,伊凡斯兄弟都有参加。这个乐团后来就成为了U2,但是Edge的兄长狄克已经离团,U2成为四人乐团,并且在1980年发行首张专辑〈Boy〉。   1981年,The Edge曾因为信仰因素险些离开U2,但是最终仍然是决定留了下来。在这期间他与一个团体Shalom Tigers交往密切,但是最终仍然是决定留在U2,之后并且创作了歌曲〈Sunday Bloody Sunday〉。   1983年7月12日,The Edge迎娶了他的中学女友艾斯琳·苏利文 (Aislinn O'Sullivan)为妻,并且生下了3个女儿:荷莉 (Hollie,1984年生)、亚兰 (Arran,1985年生)、蓝天使 (Blue Angel,1989年生),但是夫妻俩在1990年开始分居,并且在离婚合法化 (1995年)后的1996年正式离婚。而The Edge在1992年的巡回演出 (Zoo TV Tour)开始和乐团聘雇的编舞家莫莱·史登堡 (Morleigh Steinberg)约会,之后在2002年6月22日结婚,有一男一女:席安 (Sian,1997年生)、李维 (Levi,1999年生)。   The Edge大概在他20岁左右就有掉发的现象,也因此以穿戴毛帽来遮掩,而且The Edge很少在公开场合拿下他的毛帽,也因此毛帽成了Edge的个人特色。
by Kim Summers
Born Dave Evans in East London, The Edge grew up in Dublin, Ireland. U2's guitar player and occasional singer, he also dabbles in songwriting for the group, writing the lyrics to "Wake Up Dead Man," "Van Diemen's Land" from Rattle and Hum, and "Numb" from Zooropa. U2 lead singer Bono has said that the Edge got his nickname because of his sharp mind.
Known as a loner in high school, the Edge took piano and guitar lessons and often performed with his brother, Dick, even building his own first guitar. His expert guitar playing led him to become a member of the Village. The band U2 was formed in 1980 after drummer Larry Mullen Jr. posted a sign asking for people to join a band. The band's first album, Boy, was released in 1980. The group received international fame with the release of subsequent albums like The Joshua Tree and Rattle and Hum.
The Edge married his high school sweetheart Aislinn O'Sullivan. Together they had three daughters -- Holly, Aaron, and Blue Angel. The two separated in 1991 but could not get a divorce because of the divorce laws in Ireland. His experiences during this difficult time are said to have influenced Bono's songwriting in such Achtung Baby tunes as "So Cruel," "Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses" and "Love Is Blindness." In October of 1997, the Edge had another daughter, Cian, with Morleigh Steinberg, a belly dancer from U2's 1992-1993 Zoo TV tour.