one good boy-邱添 词:邱添 曲:邱添 唱:邱添 编曲:邱添 混音:邱添 和声:邱添 出品:听见音乐 发行:锦州听见音乐文化传媒有限公司 发行人:杨鑫彤 我从来不说谎 也不会脏的话 从来不哭不闹 争做大人的骄傲 我从来不打架 放学按时回家 对同学要会谦让 对大人懂得礼貌 成绩好懂礼貌 会微笑说您好 同学们的榜样 清华北大的料 从小就有梦想 不驼背视力好 英文比中文好 会朗诵也会体操 Good Boy Good Boy you wanna call me that But thats not thats not how the things go on Whats wrong whats wrong If I what to be bad do something I love but you wont agree with that Good Boy Good Boy you wanna call me that But thats not thats not how the things go on Whats wrong whats wrong If I what to be bad do something I love but you wont agree with that 我懂事又听话 自信勇敢坚强 自己就能长大 不看岛国的影像 成绩好懂礼貌 会微笑说您好 从来不睡懒觉 主动给爹妈洗脚 从小就有梦想 不驼背视力好 长大作资本家 永远要为国争光 Good Boy Good Boy you wanna call me that But thats not thats not how the things go on Whats wrong whats wrong If I what to be bad do something I love but you wont agree with that Good Boy Good Boy you wanna call me that But thats not thats not how the things go on Whats wrong whats wrong If I what to be bad do something I love but you wont agree with that But Im weak, Im weak whats wrong with that But thats not thats not what behavior they got What if What if Im happy with love do I still let you down Good Boy Good Boy you wanna call me that But thats not thats not how the things go on Whats wrong whats wrong If I what to be bad do something I love but you wont agree with that Good Boy Good Boy you wanna call me that But thats not thats not how the things go on Whats wrong whats wrong If I what to be bad do something I love but you wont agree with that