TONIGHT THE CITY IS YOURS(今夜,这城市属于你) - Kafe.Hu
更多>> Kafe.Hu的热门歌曲
[00:01.43]8-TONIGHT THE CITY IS YOURS(今夜,这城市属于你)
[00:02.93]和声:Credit Card(王薇伊)和Aangelus 和Fei(余孟霏)
[00:03.46]贝斯 和 键盘:Gaston
[00:40.73]拥有天赋没人夸 变成被同化的哑巴
[00:49.61]你看 音乐载我冲破惊涛骇浪
[00:58.40]但别沮丧 烟火终究能在最黑夜里绽放
[01:01.29]今夜 有多少梦想飘荡城市上方
[01:03.81]你不会写歌 但没关系我来帮你演唱
[01:06.75]雕刻在每条街上 汗水被摔碎的形状
[01:09.87]尽管风带着哀伤 别让它湿润眼眶
[01:12.81]今夜 有多少梦想飘荡城市上方
[01:18.50]蔓延在每条街上 拼凑成年轻的形状
[01:21.64]尽管风带着哀伤 别让它湿润眼眶
[01:24.73]Tonight, the dreaming is flowing the sky.(今夜梦想飘荡在上空)
[01:28.00]they Never trapped us cuz we are the raider.(那不能迷惑我们,因为我们是先驱者)
[01:30.74]Tonight the city is yours, the city is yours , the city is yours.(今夜这城市属于你)
[01:34.45]Tonight, the dreaming is flowing the sky.(今夜梦想飘荡在上空)
[01:39.75]they Never trapped us cuz we are the raider.(那不能迷惑我们,因为我们是先驱者)
[01:42.48]Tonight the city is yours, the city is yours , the city is yours.(今夜这城市属于你)
[01:48.22]悬挂在时代阶梯 承受贫富的差距
[01:51.01]我们被错误的教育 自由是赤裸的叛逆
[01:57.07]要多少人用结束生命 结束舆论和压力
[01:59.84]记住 没人拥有权力帮你决定
[02:02.38]如果这社会有病 请让自己灵魂坚硬
[02:05.47]无论什么原因 都别把热血变成冰
[02:11.49]Tonight(今夜) 这城市属于你 也属于年轻
[02:17.43]我们庆祝用浑浊的空气 去他妈的香槟
[02:20.34]延续骄傲的生命 占据街道和土地
[02:23.34]像千万嬉皮穿越时空 砸碎墙壁
[02:25.93]传说中赤手空拳划破了风 信仰是武器
[02:29.07]眺望城市以东 即将破晓的天空
[02:31.83]而黑夜 终将过去 留下一首歌做证据
[03:04.40]Tonight, the dreaming is flowing the sky.(今夜梦想飘荡在上空)
[03:07.31]they Never trapped us cuz we are the raider.(那不能迷惑我们,因为我们是先驱者)
[03:10.22]Tonight the city is yours, the city is yours , the city is yours.(今夜这城市属于你)
[03:15.83]Tonight, the dreaming is flowing the sky.(今夜梦想飘荡在上空)
[03:19.57]they Never trapped us cuz we are the raider.(那不能迷惑我们,因为我们是先驱者)
[03:21.92]Tonight the city is yours, the city is yours , the city is yours.(今夜这城市属于你)
[03:28.04]Tonight the city is gonna be yours.(今夜这城市属于你)
[03:30.73]Tonight the city is gonna be yours.(今夜这城市属于你)
[03:33.51]Tonight the city is gonna be yours.(今夜这城市属于你)
[03:36.50]Tonight Tonight Tonight Tonight(今夜)
[03:39.47]Tonight the city is gonna be yours.(今夜这城市属于你)
[03:42.49]Tonight the city is gonna be yours.(今夜这城市属于你)
[03:45.25]Tonight the city is gonna be yours.(今夜这城市属于你)
[03:54.20]我们的养分不是名牌 汽车 货币
[03:57.13]若城市没了灯泡 你会看到银河
[04:00.15]黑胶还在生产 发烧的人能活下去
[04:03.38]Tonight the city is ours.(今夜这城市属于我们)