让西行之路逆转时空 长安敦煌远方一座城楼 不知不觉已走过了春夏秋冬 雪山沙漠戈壁绿洲之中找出口 回绕千年的邂逅 能不能不要遮住那丝温柔 月牙泉边的美梦 有没有记录那爱情的厮守 泛黄的丝绸 在千年之后 黄沙漫天飘扬这哀愁 传世的锦绣 风干古道 时间的沙漏 却模糊了眼眸 Comon time to pack up, Comon time to move on, It's time to be together ~step! in this adventure. Comon time to pack up, Comon time to move on, It's time to be together ~step! in this adventure. Give me, give me come in the game Give me, give me come in the game Give me give me , put ur hands up Give me, give me come in the game Give me, give me come in the game Give me give me , put ur hands up 让西行之路逆转时空 长安敦煌远方一座城楼 不知不觉已走过了春夏秋冬 雪山沙漠戈壁绿洲之中找出口 回绕千年的邂逅 能不能不要遮住那丝温柔 月牙泉边的美梦 有没有记录那爱情的厮守 泛黄的丝绸 在千年之后 黄沙漫天飘扬这哀愁 传世的锦绣 风干古道 时间的沙漏 却模糊了眼眸 Roaming so "Gobi" time, Losing my soul and mind, Each step is hard to climb, and I'm losing a track of time Roaming so "Gobi" time, Losing my soul and mind, Each step is hard to climb, and I'm losing a track of time
Comon Every body put your hands up! It's time we are coming together and sing. Comon Every body put your hands up! It's time we are coming together and sing. 泛黄的丝绸 在千年之后 黄沙漫天飘扬这哀愁 传世的锦绣 风干古道 时间的沙漏 却模糊了眼眸