There is a zombie on your lawn There is a zombie on your lawn There is a zombie on your lawn I am the zombie on your lawn (We don't want zombies on the lawn ) 我高大威武不會死 (I know your type : tall , dark , and dead) 人們口口相傳說出我的故事 (You want to bite all the petals of my head) 對,我就是你們害怕的殭屍 (And then eat the brain of the one who planted me here)
NO!!! (不!!!) 小葵說我是个壞蛋 ( I'm just a sunflower but see me) 吃大腦還拿植物攪拌 (power an entire infantry) 是你的陽光 (You like the taste of brains) 讓我節奏變亂 we dont's like zombies
球場由我做主 (I used to play football) 我頭頂路障柱 (Road cones protect my head) 身有柵門防護 (I have a screen-door shield) 我們是不死族 (We are the undead)
There is a zombie on your lawn There is a zombie on your lawn There is a zombie on your lawn
I am the zombie on your lawn (We don't want zombies on the lawn)
小葵給我做了評估 (Maybe it's time to reevaluate) 她說歌神有粉絲不愁宝物 (I know you have a lot of food on your plate) 膽固醇吃多會不舒服 (Brains are qute rich in cholesterol)
謝謝關心我很幸福 You're dead so it doesn't matter 縱橫生死忙忙碌碌 Instead we'll use this solar power 消化系统稳固,已不在乎 to make a lawn defense at any hour 我是機車大叔 (I like your tricycle ) 頭頂黃油趕路 (There's butter on my head) 鹽烤大腦酥脆 (I'm gonna eat your brains0) 我們是不死族 (We are the undead)
There is a zombie on your lawn There is a zombie on your lawn There is a zombie on your lawn I am the zombie on your lawn (We don't want zombies on the lawn)