歌曲:在那遥远的地方 词曲:王洛宾 演唱:纪敏佳 说唱:ERIC-Z 在那遥远的地方 在那遥远的地方有位好姑娘 人们走过她的帐篷都要留恋的张望 (说唱)I rock upon the show. I rock upon the show. How I make this flow flow. How I make this flow flow. hey hey honey.where were you go.I've been missing you so long. Night and day.Top to toe.The story like my EX she always told. I ma let you know.For you what I'm gonna do. Up to the stage and show to the world. Hands up ,If you hear my voice. Even you stay far away from New York.Just plus 13 hours. Then we'll be synchronous.Look, You're my Alicial Keys.If I ain't got you. Everything everything doesn't mean anything. I I I would like to have a favourite list. Up in there.Only you my little Miss. 踩着拍子 灵感来的太迟 种下思绪飞到远方开始栽植 没有停呆一秒的时间让我想起那个故事 她的固执 在那遙遠的女孩 是我文字的取材 逃离城市的利害 笔落下 写出那年的青海 描述草原与马的精彩 天边巨轮的月亮 高空悬挂 这是遥远的地方 篝火旁湖边的女孩旋转 说着不远的浪漫 How I make this flow flow. How I make this flow flow. 窗外的雨在地面上狂写 压倒痕迹消失在原野 那不辞而别 你是否了解 这章节回转在孤獨冷血 慢慢熟透再到熱情冷卻 在七裡外的某個整夜 Still can't believe u said u wanna quite Everything I swear can't take it