Deathbringer from the Sky - Ensiferum
更多>> Ensiferum的热门歌曲
[ti:Deathbringer From The Sky]
[al:Victory Songs]
[00:03.04]Deathbringer From The Sky
[00:27.14]High above the ground 大地之上
[00:30.10]Beyond the thunderclouds 雷云之外
[00:32.85]A Black shade is flying alone 一片黑影正孤然飞翔
[00:39.15]Once so feared among men 一度为人们所畏惧
[00:41.72]Now the legend is becoming too old 如今这传说几乎被人遗忘
[00:45.20]But finally the horrifying truth is about to unfold 然而这恐怖的事实终于即将显现
[01:06.13][04:08.95]Deathbringer from the Sky 从天而降的死神
[01:09.08][04:11.87]Hunting victims in the night 乘着夜晚猎获生命
[01:12.18][04:14.85]Feel the terror as flames are burning bright 感受这恐惧吧,看这火焰愈发熊熊
[01:17.42][04:20.18]There is... No tower as high or a cave so deep 再高的塔楼,再深的岩窟
[01:20.79][04:23.57]That can save you from its endless spite 也无法助你逃离这无尽的怨恨
[01:24.05][04:26.77]So bow down and face your wretched destiny 臣服吧,直面你悲惨的命运
[01:30.45]A Den filled with treasures and gold 满载金银的洞穴
[01:33.16]No longer calms his spirit so cold 不再能抚慰它冰冷的灵魂
[01:35.82]Again it is time to spread the wings of doom 挥动厄运之翼的时刻已再次来到
[01:42.08]A Growl shakes the ground 一声咆哮震颤着大地
[01:44.95]Flames blind men and smoke covers the stars 烈火遮天,烟云蔽日
[01:47.80]As he rises towards an ancient sky 他从中跃入那远古的天穹
[02:18.65]The era of total chaos will arrive 彻底混乱的时代即将降临
[02:21.88]Men shall flee in fear 人类将在恐惧中奔逃
[02:24.91]My name will haunt their mortal souls 我的名字将烙在他们短促的灵魂里
[02:27.82]I'll burn their flesh and I'll crush their bones 我将焚烧他们的血肉,碾碎他们的骨骷
[03:20.32]Now they shall know 现在他们该明白
[03:23.83]That every myth told is true 所有的神话都确有其实
[03:27.24]They shall burn on my blazing gallows 他们当烧死在我燃烧的绞架上
[04:44.83]Your screams can't make me feel pity or regret 你们的哭号激不起我半点悔恨和同情
[04:47.77]I only feel furious hatred 我只能感到暴怒的憎恨
[04:50.70]With fire my dominion is gained 烈火之中我君临天下
[04:53.80]So burn away and let my kind rule the world again 焚灭吧,让我族再度统治大地