When You@re Looking Like That She@s a 5 foot 10 in catsuit and bambi eyes Everybody who@s staring wouldn@t believe that this girl was mine I should have known I was wrong When I left her for a life in pity but They say you never miss the water til it@s gone Guess I failed to love you And you@re taking it out tonight How am I supposed to walk on by When you@re looking like that I can@t believe what I just gave away Now I can@t take it back I don@t wanna get lost I don@t wanna live my life without you How am I supposed to walk on by When you are looking like that She@s all dressed up for glamour and rock and roll Wanna squeeze her real tight get out of this place If only I could take control But she@s out of my reach forever And just a week ago she lied next to me It@s so ironic how I had to lose just to see That I failed to love you And you@re taking it out tonight I dont wanna forget you I dont even wanna try How am I supposed to walk on by When you@re looking like that Close Across the miles, it@s funny to me How far you are but how near you seem to be I could talk all night just to hear you breath I could spend my life just living this dream You@re all I@ll ever need You give me strength You give me hope You give me someone to love, someone to hold When I@m in your arms, I need you to know I@ve never been, never been This close With all the loves I used to know I kept my distance, I never let go But in your arms I know I@m safe @Cause I@ve never been held and I@ve never been kissed in this way You@re all I@ll ever need, you@re all I@ll ever need You give me strength You give me hope You give me someone to love, someone to hold When I@m in your arms, I need you to know I@ve never been, never been This close Close enough to see it@s true Close enough to trust in you Closer now than any words can say And when, when I@m in your arms, I need you to know I@ve never been, I@ve never been This close You give me strength You give me hope You give me someone to love, someone to hold When I@m in your arms, I need you to know I@ve never been, I@ve never been This close 5nd