HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR - 夜明け前 作詞:HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR 作曲:HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR I get it over. And hang on tomorrow. My shine until reach for you. Like moon shining in the night. I will get over this night. I will keep on walking. My shine until reach for you. Like moon shining in the night. Avoided to feel empty. You can make it... 胸の中埋め尽くしてる虚しさ まるで夜を染めてく闇の様… 夢を選び街を出たはずなのに どうしてこんなに苦しいのかな… (Breaking down with hurt) 何かを掴むその度に何かを 捨て去って繰り返す明日へと繋いだ (Don't let my heart empty) 夜空輝く幾千の星達 その中で僕らも生まれては消えてく (The word you left is) 忘れられない 羽根もがれた君の 「お前ならやれるよ」涙交じりの言葉 (Running thlow my head. I will keep on walking. My shine until reach for you. Like moon shining in the night. Avoided to feel empty.) 何が正しいかさえわからぬまま 夢を削りながら進んで (Keep going with break my back) 夜明け前ふと空見上げた時 あの月が僕を照らしていてくれてたんだ (Looked at the moon, reminds me the word) 求め続けていた物が何かさえ このまま薄れ果て 消えてしまいそうだけど (Like moon shining in the night) 暗闇の中照らす月の様に強く光り放ち 君を照らせたなら… (Light up the darkness.) The friend left like beam of light. You gave me the word with tears is “Not just having a dream” “Not just having a dream”. We didn't know what is the right way, but we just waited for tomorrow. Lost something for get something. Get it over, and hang on tomorrow. My shine until reach for you. Like moon shining in the night. I will get over this night. I will keep on walking. My shine until reach for you. Like moon shining in the night. Avoided to feel empty. You can make it. I will light up the darkness. この果てしなく広がる空高く 飛ぶ羽根をもがれた君の分まで飛ぼう (The word you left is still in my heart) いつの日かまた君が空見上げた その時に迷わず進んで行けるように (You can make it.) この闇の中照らす月の様に僕も光り放ち この夜を越えたい (I will get over this night. I will keep on walking. My shine until reach for you. Like moon shining in the night. I will get over this night. I will keep on walking. My shine until reach for you. Like moon shining in the night. Avoided to feel empty.) おわり