专辑数: 1 歌曲数:17
故事发生于1961年的德克萨斯州和怀俄明州,农夫Jack(杰克.吉伦希尔饰)和牛仔Ennis(希斯.莱杰饰)邂逅,孤单寂寞让两个不到二十岁的少年互相爱上了对方。他们在篝火边长谈,在帐篷里欢爱。一个人做饭,另一个去放羊,总是早早起床, 推一推还在熟睡的另一个,道一声明天见,就骑马冲进寒冷的夜里……虽然彼此真心相应,但是迫于世俗压力, 他们各自结婚生子,只能每年在一起度假。随着年龄的增长,两人的感情愈加浓厚炽烈,无法满足一年只有几天的团聚。可是怀俄明的牛仔们嘲笑同性恋,还会用各种方法折磨他们,这让Ennis没有勇气承认和接受与Jack共同生活。
What is most notable about the soundtrack to Ang Lee's Brokeback Mountain is the original score by Argentinian music wizard Gustavo Santaolalla (producer of the grand Café Tacuba recordings and a songwriter in his own right, as evidenced by his two albums, Gas and Ronroco). His interludes and cues evoke the very landscape that Lee portrays in his film, but there are also some fine vocal performances by a star-studded cast of singers. Willie Nelson's read of "He Was a Friend of Mine," complete with squeezebox and layered acoustic guitars, is gorgeous. Emmylou Harris' performance of Santaolalla and Bernie Taupin's "A Love That Will Never Grow Old" is simple, spare, and poignant. The shuffling honky tonk ballad that Santaolalla wrote for Mary McBride, with its crying pedal steel, hits close to the bone and evokes Patsy Cline. Likewise, the hard-driving country of "I Will Never Let You Go," written for Jackie Greene, is tough and tender. Santaolalla's cues, like the best of Ry Cooder's film scores, touch the film's scenery, move its narrative, and pricelessly frame it in time. Teddy Thompson and Rufus Wainwright team for a throwaway country-swing version of Roger Miller's "King of the Road," but Thompson does a fine job on the Santaolalla and Taupin tune "I Don't Want to Say Goodbye," which is as heartbroken a ballad as one is likely to hear. This is an utterly wonderful soundtrack that could have done without Linda Ronstadt's version of Buddy Holly's "It's So Easy," Steve Earle's "The Devil's Right Hand," or even Wainwright's "The Maker Makes," but this is a small complaint.