艺人:Ms Scandalous
专辑数: 1 歌曲数:11
Ms Scandalous歌手简介:
Ms Scandalous (born 1985)[1] is a British Asian bhangra/rap artist.
She was born in Southall, West London, to a Punjabi family.
Ms Scandalous was signed up by Panjabi Hit Squad after she was spotted working part-time at a music store in Southall, and asked to audition on the spot. She debuted in October 2002 on their album The Streets, performing the MCing for the second-to-last track, the garage remix of Hai Hai. Her first full-length album, Ladies First, came out in May 2005; at the time Scandalous was in her final year at university, and she juggled producing and promoting the album with studying for her degree in Arts Management [2]. The video for the second track, Aaja Soniyah, entered the MTV Base top ten at No.4.