艺人:Jon McLaughlin
专辑数: 3 歌曲数:33
Jon McLaughlin歌手简介:
Jon McLaughlin的音乐属于那种即使停止以后也会久绕你心田的回味.简单来说,对于他的表演技艺只能用"特别","唯一"来形容.同时,他对音乐的结合以及那不经意间的交流都会让极大部分的观众感到亲切.
  作为在印第安纳安德森的一个年轻的钢琴手,jon每天都将大量的时间投入音乐上---所说所想用歌词和旋律来表达.不幸的是,他的两只手腕在一次事故中粉碎性骨折后,钢琴的弹奏不得不从他生活的主流退出.直到他高中的高年级时,当他再一次的坐了下来,他才又重新找回对艺术的热情. jon的歌曲写作能力是在他被安德森音乐学院录用以后才算真的成形.
  在那里,不知他花了多少时间来为这第一张专辑打下坚实的基础. 因为他那受了专业训练的耳朵,还有Ben Folds 和 Billy Joel对他的影响,Jon McLaughlin形成了他所特有的钢琴摇滚风格,并创造出了一种让听众兴奋,覆盖整个舞台的独有声效.
  这张自我命名的首张专辑具有强势的音乐背景,开场就是Some Tight Fix的funk-rock(乡村摇滚),然后再到Blue Skies的轻柔jazz,Once Again中像冰美人般的优雅,Loving Me中的简单古典piano(钢琴),结束时又回到专辑中的第一支单曲,Throwing A Line狂欢时刻的piano-roll(钢琴摇滚).
Born and raised in Anderson, IN, Jon McLaughlin (and all of his siblings) began taking classical piano lessons at an early age. Though he lost interest in it during high school, not helped by an accident that injured both wrists, during his senior year he realized how fully he could incorporate the instrument into the pop music he enjoyed more. McLaughlin decided to attend the local music college, where he studied piano and spent his free time writing songs, eventually winning a competition at the school that allowed him to release his self-titled debut in 2004. The following year the EP Songs I Wrote and Later Recorded came out, and shortly after, McLaughlin was given the opportunity to audition for three major labels. One of them, Island, signed him, and in 2007 Indiana, an album that included re-recorded versions of two songs from his first effort, hit shelves. Later that year McLaughlin made an appearance singing a song in the movie Enchanted.