专辑数: 3 歌曲数:32
Karunesh于1956出生在德国科隆。他从小就就与音乐结下了不解之缘,并加入了各式各样的少年乐队参加了很多演出表演。他修的是图形设计专业,但却经常感觉到这不是他生命中真正想期待的东西。在经历了那场车祸,一场差点让他丧命的车祸后,他毅然决定放弃他的原有的工作。这次"接近死亡"的经历被证实成为他生命中灵魂的一次转折点。Karunesh旅行至印度,他在poona的阿什拉姆(印度教徒隐居地)遇到 Osho 奥修,正式为自己取了个宗教名字——Karunesh,梵文译中为"同情,怜悯"。
1984年,他的第一张专辑《Sound of the Heart 心灵之声》发行了,并迅速成为"新世纪音乐"市场中销量最好的一张专辑。凭着《Sound of the Heart 心灵之声》450000张CD的销售量,Karunesh确立了自己在世界顶尖New Age艺术家之中的地位。而在接下来的一年内,他的另5张专辑也同样取得了较好的销售业绩。
作为第一个把世界音乐紧密融入新世纪音乐的艺术家,他的作品赢得了无数的荣誉和尊敬。其被命名为World beat或world fusion的乐风成了众相模仿的对象。
Karunesh took an active interest in music during his youth in Germany, back when he was still known as Bruno Reuter. But it wasn't until he was 23 and took a mean spill off his motorbike that Reuter received his epiphany in the form of new age spiritualism. A pilgrimage to India followed, where he reemerged as Karunesh (Sanskrit for "compassion"). He issued his debut LP, Sounds of the Heart, in 1984, and never looked back. Karunesh was remarkably consistent over the next 20 years, releasing numerous albums influenced by the windy landscape of world music and punctuated with breathy flutes, introspective guitars, and hints of vocal and electronics. He worked with the Nightingale, Oreade, Etherean, and Real Music imprints, among others; album highlights include Heart Chakra Meditation (1992), Secrets of Life (first issued in 1996), and 2001's Zen Breakfast, which leaned toward the new age subgenre of music for massage/relaxation.