歌手图片:Annett Louisan
歌手头像:Annett Louisan
艺人:Annett Louisan
专辑数: 4 歌曲数:60
Annett Louisan歌手简介:
一个身高一米五二的娇小女人,一张邻家女孩一般平和亲柔的脸。Annett Louisan 并不是踩着美色,家世,力量的叱咤风火轮踏入乐坛的。25岁的Annett生于德国一个单亲家庭,父亲似乎从来就是一页早已翻过的日历,一个封存在岁月以外的话题。没有father figure的童年也可以没阴影,Annett在祖父母的庇护下无忧地度过了青稚岁月。唱歌就象她的另一艺术爱好绘画一样自然而然地嵌入她的成长。当她在汉堡学习绘画的时候,Annett开始在酒馆打工演唱来支付学习和生活的费用。城市这个五彩斑斓的大舞台不仅为她的演唱日渐成熟提供了养足的沃土,融入歌艺圈枝节相连,脉络互通的庞大关系网更为Annett日后的成功奠定了基础。
在Annett的歌声中,你可以捕捉到很多歌坛元老巨匠的收放自如,对歌曲驾驭的随心所欲。但是她那纯得似水的音色又那么熨贴地拂过你的耳侧,将你包绕。你听她不动声色地向你讲述那些饰色的出演(Das Spiel),那些虚遮的谎言(Die Luege),你会在她的歌声里心痛了,为了这个美音的歌者,为了那些渐行泛起的尘封记忆。。。。
Annett Louisan is the stage name of Annett Page, a German pop musician with cabaret flair and the whimsical aesthetic of female-fronted groups like Sixpence None the Richer and the Cardigans. Her debut album, 2004's Bohème, peaked on the German charts at number three and yielded a wistful jangle pop single called "Das Spiel." Louisan released another album the following year, Unausgesprochen, which was accompanied by a couple more singles, "Das Gefuhl" and "Das Grosse Erwachen (...Und Jetzt...)." The album won several awards for Louisan, including an ECHO for Best Female Artist of the Year and a Goldene Stimmgabel for Best Female Solo Artist.