Donavon Frankenreiter歌手简介:
Donavon Frankenreiter一个热爱冲浪运动的小子,在13岁时在海滩上认识一生中可能最重要的朋友Jack Johnson,两 人又弹吉他又玩帆板,爱好相同的两个在音乐上也出奇相似。但命运就不同了,直到2002年Frankenreiter先小有名气,而那时Jack Johnson早已闯入了主流音乐界。但Jack Johnson怎么会忘记Frankenreiter,在他帮助下,Frankenreiter在2004年发行了他同名专辑,推出后其清新的旋律打动每个炎炎夏日烦恼如何避暑的人。2006年,在改换新东家后,Frankenreiter第二张专辑《Move by Yourself》强势推出,这次更是请出节奏蓝调界知名混音大师Neal Pogue协助,使其向主流的市场更近一步。商业归商业,但Frankenreiter醇香的低吟浅唱、逍遥自在的歌词(就像夏日中一棵小树荫的感觉)依然那样挥洒自如,毫无做作。听完整张专辑后你会感到:哦,就是这么轻松!那么Frankenreiter的目的也就达到了。
Born on December 10, 1972, in Downey, CA, Donavon Frankenreiter took to surfing at a young age. By the age of 13 he had a sponsor -- Billabong -- and the pursuit of a professional career in surfing led to a move to Hawaii a year later. He had rented a home from the parents of Jack Johnson, a fellow surfer who would become a successful recording artist years later. The two became fast friends, learning guitar together, surfing, and just plain hanging out. Music was always fun to play for Frankenreiter, but it wasn't until 2002 that he was confident enough to try it professionally. Meanwhile, Johnson's musical career had broken through into the mainstream, and he was starting his Brushfire Records label. With guest spots from Johnson, G. Love, and Koool G Murder of the Eels, Frankenreiter's self-titled debut appeared on Brushfire in May of 2004. For his next record, Frankenreiter broke from his mentor's label and moved to Lost Highway for the release of 2006's Move by Yourself.