Shwayze是一支来自美国加利福尼亚Malibu的流行说唱乐团,与一般的说唱乐团不同的是,Shwayze的音乐中除了有典型的Hip-Hop节奏之外,还融入了一些原声吉他的伴奏,这让他们的歌儿听起来非常的轻松。与那些咬牙切齿、互相诋毁谩骂、装的一个比一个吊、恨不得拚的你死我活的绑匪说唱乐团不同的是,Shwayze的说唱带来的完全是放松的享受,就像加州的阳光和海滩一样,没有任何阴霾。有人把Shwayze的风格定义为Party Rap,的确,他们这种轻松而不失节奏感的说唱非常适合在派对上播放,既能带动气氛,又不会令人烦躁。
Although that terrible Jamie Kennedy movie Malibu's Most Wanted posited that the beachside Los Angeles suburb is so upper class and lily white that the only rappers it can produce are rich teenagers fronting gangsta poses, real-life Malibu resident Shwayze begs to differ. He's in touch enough with movie culture that his handle is a corruption of the surname of the star of Dirty Dancing and Roadhouse, and his musical mentor is Cisco Adler, son of multi-millionaire record producer Lou Adler, most notorious for a hugely unflattering nude photo widely circulated on the Internet while Adler was dating TV star Mischa Barton, as well as a stint on a short-lived VH1 reality series, The Rock Life. However, despite this intimate connection with a second-generation nepotist more known for his connections than his talent, Shwayze claims to have grown up in a comparatively tough trailer park in one of Malibu's less prosperous neighborhoods. Born Aaron Smith in 1986, legend has it Shwayze was working as an assistant to his handyman grandfather in 2005 when he began an impromptu on-stage freestyle with a friend, drummer Alex Orbison, prior to a local gig by Orbison's band Whitestarr. Adler, Whitestarr's singer/songwriter, was impressed enough with the young rapper that he started collaborating with him. Co-writing the songs with Adler producing, the duo came up with a mellow, largely acoustic sound akin to a hip-hop Jack Johnson, far removed from the glammy Southern rock revivalism of Adler's own band. Shwayze signed to Geffen Records in 2007 and his self-titled debut album was released the following year, preceded by the single "Don't Be Shy" and followed by a stint on the 2008 Vans Warped Tour.