艺人:Brian Melo
专辑数: 1 歌曲数:12
Brian Melo歌手简介:
Brian Melo(生于1982年8月15号)是一位加拿大籍的歌手并且他还是2007年第15届加拿大偶像的滚军得主。 Melo出生于Ontario州Hamilton的East End区,他的父母Augusto Melo和Maria Melo从葡萄牙的São Miguel移居到加拿大。为了音乐表演艺术,Melo在Royans学校接受了专业的声乐训练,这所学校因培养出了摇滚超新星Lukas Rossi和Our Lady Peace乐队的灵魂人物Raine Maida而著名。Melo还义务帮助一些学校里的学生来录制合声部分。
by Chris True
A former construction worker in Hamilton, Ontario, Brian Melo shot to superstardom by winning the reality television show Canadian Idol in September 2007. Considered an underdog by those viewing the show, Melo chose from a wide variety of artists and songs to keep his momentum going, including Radiohead's "Karma Police" and Robbie Williams' "Angels." His first single, "All I Ever Wanted," was released two days after winning Canadian Idol, and his first album, Livin' It, hit stores in November 2007.