艺人:Maximilian Hecker
专辑数: 7 歌曲数:99
Maximilian Hecker歌手简介:
Maximilian Hecker,一位来自德国的前乐队鼓手,是如何摆脱严谨僵硬的民族性,而将音乐做的如此伤感温柔?即使他不用晦涩的语言和复杂的配器来表达,那忧郁敏感又不乏神经质的唱腔和恰到好处的钢琴提琴伴奏已经足够,瞬间爆发的噪音和吉他失真已经足够。
他淡淡的唱着《Lady Sleep》,却用声音在无数个寂寞的深夜里一次又一次的谋杀了我的睡眠。
Wunderkind Maxi Hecker first began playing his breathy, polyester pop to an audience at the corners of the Hackesche Markt in Berlin. The young singer/songwriter would stand there with his guitar and amp in an attempt to woo women ten years older then him with beautiful "schweinepop" or "cheap pop."
Hecker began his music career as a drummer for various rock bands, but discovered that the bands would not play his songs the way he intended. He soon set out on his own as a true musician of solitude, playing all the parts himself. After giving out about 30 copies of his demo to anyone who would indulge his romanticism, Hecker scored his first official release with the song "Cold Wind Blowing" on the soundtrack Alaska.de. His full-length debut, Infinite Love Songs, followed in 2001 on Kitty-Yo. The album, more suited to California beach bunnies than the industry of Berlin, established Hecker's position among pop Casanovas like Air and Momus