专辑数: 2 歌曲数:13
Wang Wei, a youth artist, an experienced musician, a cultural messenger between China and France, an ECCU representative in China. Wang was born in Jiangxi Province, raised in Paris, France, a graduate of Altas Music College of France, major in guitar, blues. He has a charmed voice that is deep and sexy. He wrote hundreds of Chinese and English songs during years of his odyssey. Especially the love songs, many can be called classic pieces among them.
王威出道至今已发行三张专辑,每张专辑的制作都充分展现了他全面而过人的才华,不仅一人包办所有中、英文词曲创作 演唱,还担任了制作人、编曲、吉他演奏、创意设计等工作,更于2011年开始涉足视频创作领域。而作为一位青年艺术家,王威最令人称赞的还是他以音乐的深刻理解和丰富直白的演绎。尤其是在中国摇滚人才断档期间,他的出现令无数人惊喜、惊叹!
Wang Wei has released three albums during his career, each one of them is a demonstration of his outstanding talent in all aspects, he wrote all the songs, lyrics, he played guitar. He also did the production and arrangements. Even creative design was based on his idea. He also stepped into the field of video directing. Nevertheless, being a youth artist, Wang Wei’s deeper understanding and simple straight performance are best known among audience. Especially in this barren period of Chinese rock’n roll industry, his emergence causes tremendous admirations.
Since the release of his first album, Wang Wei’s fans started call him “Rock Rhino”, and he never hides his fondness of this second largest mammal on land. And the reason for this fondness is the sameness between his character and rhino: simple, directly and powerful! And also these are what rock’n roll’s charm relies.
Background information
Born:20 January / Jiangxi China
Genres:Rock, blues, blues rock, rock and roll
Occupations:Musician, Singer-songwriter, record Producer
Instruments:Guitar, vocals, keyboards, percussion
Labels:Rock Rhino
Albums:On the Road(2006);Motorbus(2007);Wangwei(2009)
2000, Host many times of rock salon at Paris China Education Section.
2002, Back in China, form the band Smokingkills
2005年,与华谊兄弟及鸟人唱片共同录制发行了第一张个人专辑《on the road》;
2005, Release first album with Huayi Bro and Niaoren Label.
2008, Host China and Europe rock salon with Li Zongsheng
Sep 2008, Hold a China and Europe rock concert at Harbin music hall.
2008年9月,发行第二张专辑《公共汽车》;合作者汇集曾为约翰列侬、史密斯飞船、Slash等制作专辑的国际顶级制作人Jay Messina;中国一级鼓手贝贝;中国爱乐乐团;中国台湾音乐大师江建民;留美奥运混音师陈雨黎等;
Sep 2008, Release second album < Bus>; worked with the world class producer Jay Messina whose credit includes John Lennon, Aerosmith, Slash etc; China’s first level drummer, Beibei; Chinese Philharmonic Orchestra; Taiwan music master Jiang Jianmin; America studied sound engineer who mixed the tracks for Beijing Olympic 2008, Yuli Chen etc;
Oct 2008, Host Tencent’s rock music program;
Sep 2008, Interviewed by CCTV;
Dec 2008, Collaborate with Germany Federal Economic Ministry, EU Social Fund supported cultureload to open an original rock music promotion program;
2009年1月,赴美与国际顶级制作人Jay Messina、格莱美民谣歌手Carrie Newcomer、及美国著名摇滚教授Glenn Gass探讨音乐,做中美摇滚音乐交流;
Jan 2009, Travel to United States to meet with world class producer Jay Messina, Grammy winner Carrie Newcomer, and famous American rock professor Glenn Gass to discuss about music.
May 2009, Wang Wei is invited to hold a personal concert at “96 Square” Shanghai;
Dec 2009, Release album < Wang Wei>; the record is later nominated by Midi’s best new rock album award;
Early 2010, Travel to Europe
Aug 2010, Participate in the Infinite Starry Night Music Festival, MIDI Jazz Music Festival;
Feb 2011, Record the fourth album in the studio;
2011年8月,参加迷笛日照音乐节、 怀柔音乐节;
Aug 2011, Participate in MIDI Sunshine Music Festival, Huairou Music Festival;
Feb 2012, Creative MV posts on the home page of Sohu music, the click break 80000 times in a day.
Mar 2012, Animated MV released on MOGO music fashion;
2012年4月,新专辑送往美国Sterling Sound进行后期制作、母带处理
Apr 2012, Sound tracks of new album sent to Sterling Sound for Post-production, Mastering production.
Right now, “Rock Rhino” tour is on the go!
Let’s expect the blockbuster of Wang Wei’s fourth album