专辑数: 1 歌曲数:12
Formed 2008, Olsztyn, warmińsko-mazurskie, Poland
Members Kasia Staszko (vocals), Jacek Ruczko (guitar), Romek Bałtuszka (guitar), Jakub Roszkiewicz (bass), Kamil Starzewski (2008-09, drums), Wojtek Zamaro (2009-present, drums)
The other one is a young polish five piece from Olsztyn. They play a mixture of fifties, sixties, and noughties. The blend between alternative rock (sometimes even post-ish) rock and roll, maybe even rockabilly and everything in between. They call their sound simply as melody and dirt.
The band was formed around 2008 and since then they’ve managed to record two demo compilations and one single play (which gained media attention from nationwide radio stations such as Trójka) and much recently put down debut album with great help of Maciej Cieślak and Marcin Bors. Now they sit on their couches patiently wating for Hold! to hit the stores, and there is even huge possibility for some touring.