艺人:Joal Kamps
专辑数: 1 歌曲数:11
Joal Kamps歌手简介:
Born just East of the Rocky Mountains in Calgary Alberta, Joal Kamps has always had an affinity for the arts and the outdoors. The Canadian Rockies often provide a much needed escape for Kamps as he ventures off into the wilderness to recharge his spirit and find much of his artistic inspiration for new songs and visual works.
As a young boy Joal was noted by his peers and teachers as having a natural artistic calling - both musically and visually. During his school years he played piano, baritone, euphonium, and the always ‘popular’ recorder. As a teen, his music tastes led him into the widely undiscovered and underground punk-rock scene. Forming a hardcore-punk band, his passion for performing, touring, and recording began to grow over the next four years.
Life circumstances changed, so Joal, a sojourner at heart, travelled to Southeast Asia and Europe. Upon his return the band had a short-lived reunion tour and parted ways. Joal then picked up a guitar for the first time and set about teaching himself to play. He soon left on a series of adventures - not to be seen again for another four years. This time, however, the combination of world travels, past and present life experiences, and a fully charged imagination helped catapult this singer songwriter into the creative fore of his blossoming career!