专辑数: 1 歌曲数:10
类别: 古典 / 另类 / 独立
Rökkurró’s melancholic serenades are evocative of the cold and desolate landscapes of their distant homeland. Mesmerising tones and swooping strings projected against a bleak and solitary Nordic backdrop. And yet, unique warmth pervades Rökkurró’s music owed to the fragile and soothing voice of Hildur Kristín Stefánsdóttir.
Their debut Það Kólnar Í Kvöld.. (It’s Getting Colder Tonight) was released in 2007 in Iceland, Europe and Japan to great critical acclaim, followed by tour dates with iconic figures of the Icelandic music scene múm and celebrated neo-classical composer Ólafur Arnalds.
Three years on Rökkurró are releasing their sophomore album Í Annan Heim (In Another World) produced by Alex Somers, partner and music collaborator of Jónsi Þór Birgisson (Sigur Rós). Í Annan Heim is a collection of nine graceful compositions that showcase a darker, more expansive and mature sound, full of meticulously crafted melodies, complex arrangements and smooth sonic textures.
Rökkurró was selected by Clash Magazine to play at the Nordic Music Export clubnight Ja Ja Ja in London in October 2010.