艺人:The Verses
专辑数: 1 歌曲数:11
The Verses歌手简介:
来自澳大利亚Melbourne, Victoria的男女摇滚二人组合。乐队成员 The Verses - Never Knew [Studio Acoustic] There's an old music industry adage that suggests you've got your whole life to write your first record (and then two months to write the second). And while The Verses might not technically be Ella and Jesse Hooper's first effort, it's been a long time in the making. In fact, The Verses is such a confident and convincing opening salvo that it's easy to forget that this is the same brother-sister songwriting duo who first charmed us with their youthful verve close to ten years ago. For Jesse, The Verses represents a process of artistic rediscovery that reached its crescendo when he and Ella began writing together once more. "When Killing Heidi came to an end, it felt like the natural passing of a phase; it went for a long time and it was so much fun in a lot of ways, but then we thought, 'What do we want to do?'" he recalls. "So we took some time off; we didn't see each other very much, and when we did we'd have a strum and then gradually realised we had some good material and thought, maybe it would be good to put something together." But as the pair continued to explore their new material, they found that time spent both apart from each other and away from any preconceived notions of what "their" sound should be afforded them a greater appreciation for the songs and styles that built their career. They immersed themselves in something that had previously been such a luxury that they couldn't afford it: time. Ella recalls a rewarding process of gradual realisation: "We're country kids - we like things to go at a nice, slow pace - and we gave ourselves time: time to write, time to get inspired, time to try different things musically. We were taking a holiday from the three-minute pop song, although funnily enough we've found ourselves coming back to that." "We're starting from the start, and - personally, from a songwriting perspective - as an adult," Ella says. "I feel so happy and inspired. This doesn't feel like an evolution, it feels like a new beginning."... Clem Bastow