专辑数: 1 歌曲数:18
At last! Vibrant, passionate Jerry Goldsmith soundtrack makes world premiere CD release! Courtesy of Paramount Pictures, Intrada presents complete score from 1/2" three-channel stereo masters preserved in mint condition. Goldsmith takes inspiration from Anthony Harvey tennis competition movie with Ali MacGraw, Maximilian Schell, Dean-Paul Anderson, anchors with incredibly rousing "competition" theme replete with ultra-busy brass fanfares, swirling strings. Goldsmith at his most exciting... yet there's more! Not one but two "love themes" bring additional depth to score. One is mournful, saddened idea, often featuring solo trumpet (echoes of CHINATOWN) while other is richly melodic idea in warm, romantic mode. When Goldsmith finishes everything he returns to dynamic competition music for powerhouse finale. A genuine Goldsmith treasure! Notes by Jeff Bond include info about film production, scoring, album track-by-track details. Jerry Goldsmith conducts. Intrada Special Collection release limited to 3000 copies!