艺人:Johan Soderqvist
专辑数: 1 歌曲数:19
Johan Soderqvist歌手简介:
Johan在瑞典皇家音乐学院专攻作曲与编曲课程,毕业后在爵士与民谣乐团担任键盘手,在经历长久的乐团巡回旅程后,决定专心投入电影、电视、电台与剧场音乐创作。1991年交出首部电影音乐作品《Agnes Cecilia》,此部作品为他赢得瑞典音乐奖的肯定,随后他以《Freud's Leaving Home》与导演苏珊娜毕叶尔结缘,双方建立深厚的影音情谊,《婚礼之后》是双方第6度的合作,Johan上回帮苏珊娜执导作品《变奏曲》所谱写的音乐,曾经赢得2006年坎城影展最佳电影音乐奖,同时也入围了2005年欧洲电影奖最佳欧洲电影音乐奖项目。
Born in 1966 in Täby outside of Stockholm in Sweden, Johan Söderqvist attended the Royal College of Music in Stockholm, studying composition and arranging.
A versatile musician who has been a keyboard player in many different jazz bands and folk music groups, Johan has toured extensively around the world before concentrating his activities on composition for film, television,radio and theatre.
He wrote his first film score in 1991, Agnes Cecilia, and since then he has written numerous scores for film and television, including seven scores for films directed by the acclaimed Danish director, Susanne Bier. Among those titles are the award-winning score for Brothers, After the Wedding and, most recently, Things We Lost in the Fire, where he collaborated with Academy Award-winning composer Gustavo Santaolalla.
In 2005, Johan Söderqvist was nominated as Best Composer by the European Film Academy for his Brothers score. This work was also awarded the UCMF Award for Best Film Music in Cannes as well as the ’Rencontres cinématographiques de Cannes’ Award for Best Music in Film.