艺人:Ilan Eshkeri
专辑数: 2 歌曲数:36
Ilan Eshkeri歌手简介:
Ilan is a British film composer who has established himself as an exciting young talent in the world of film music. Born in London into a musical family, Ilan grew up playing violin and later took up playing guitar in bands. He studied music and English literature at Leeds University, during which time he also worked with film composer Ed Shearmur learning first-hand the technique of film composition. After graduating, he went on to work with other film composers such as Michael Kamen and Hans Zimmer. At this time Ilan began scoring his own projects, and his talent for creating cinematic music on a limited budget soon gained him recognition within the film industry.
When Kamen passed away in 2001, Ilan played a major role in completing the final score for the feature animation 'Back to Gaya'. As a result, Ilan was asked to score 'Layer Cake' directed by Matthew Vaughn and starring Daniel Craig, which became a box office hit and got Ilan a nomination for 'Discovery of the Year' at the world soundtrack awards. This marked the beginning of Ilan's working relationship with Vaughn, and in 2007, Ilan composed his award-winning score for 'Stardust', starring Robert De Niro, and Michelle Pfeiffer. Their collaboration continues in 2009 with the adaptation of the 'Kick Ass' comic series.
Other scores include 'Hannibal Rising' directed by Peter Webber and produced by Dino De Laurentiis and most recently the score for 'The Young Victoria', Jean-Marc Vallee's stunning dramatisation about Queen Victoria's early reign, starring Emily Blunt. Earlier in the year Ilan scored Nick Moran's directorial debut, the darkly comic Joe Meek biopic 'Telstar', starring Con O'Neil and Kevin Spacey. Ilan is currently working with Joel Silver and the Wachowski brothers scoring 'Ninja Assassin' directed by James McTiegue.