专辑数: 2 歌曲数:17
风 格:Alternative Metal(另类金属) Hard Rock(硬摇滚) Heavy Metal(重金属) Rap-Metal说唱(金属)
by Alex Henderson
Formed in Miami in 1997, Nonpoint is an interracial alternative metal/rap-metal foursome that consists of two Puerto Ricans (vocalist Elias Soriano and drummer Robb Rivera) and two whites (guitarist Andrew Goldman and bassist KB). Occasionally, the bilingual Sorian (a native of New Jersey) sings and raps in Spanish, although the vast majority of Nonpoint's lyrics are in English. The name Nonpoint is derived from Nonpoint Factor, which was the name of the outfit that Rivera (who is originally from New York) led in Puerto Rico before moving to South Florida. Goldman and KB, meanwhile, are ex-members of a South Florida band called Fuse. Nonpoint's first CD, Separate Yourself, was released independently in 1997 and was followed by 1999's Struggle on Jugular and 2000's Statement on MCA. After several tours with artists like Sevendust, Linkin Park, and Staind, the band stepped back into the studio and returned in the summer of 2002 with Development. The band spent the following year touring extensively, most notably making an appearance at Ozzfest. They released Recoil in 2004, a 13-track collection of streamlined power that included a cover of Phil Collins "In the Air Tonight."