艺人:Calvin Harris
专辑数: 2 歌曲数:15
Calvin Harris歌手简介:
英文姓名:Calvin harris
身 高:195cm
星 座:天秤座
职业:制作人&DJ 歌手
Calvin Harris出身于苏格兰的Dumfries市,是一位音乐创作人以及制作人。他在19岁的时候就开始创作属于自己的音乐。而在2002年,21岁的Calvin在Prima Facie厂牌旗下首次推出了两首舞曲《Da Bongos》和《Brighter Days》获得巨大成功。他在06年正式签约EMI以及SONY-BMG,但可惜他最终并没有在这两间唱片公司旗下正式推出一张唱片。Calvin在07年6月终于正式推出了自己的首张个人专辑《I Created Disco》,这张专辑得到了评论界的广泛好评。而Calvin亦因为自己的音乐才华而得到了澳洲舞曲天后凯莉·米洛的赏识,最终凯莉邀请他为其专辑《X》制作了两首歌曲。而目前Calvin正在制作自己的的第二张专辑。 BBC英国排行榜第15周 Calvin Harris成为新冠军  本周英国流行单曲排行榜上又诞生了一位新冠军 -- 直入榜首,就是英国著名音乐制作人Calvin Harris独立推出的新专辑主打《我不孤单》I'm Not Alone。  熟悉英国单曲榜的朋友们肯定对Calvin Harris并不陌生,因为他以前的一首Acceptable in the 80s曾达到榜上第十,而他和Dizzie Rascal合作的《与我共舞》Dance Wiv Me更是拿到过去年夏天单曲榜的第一名,被排为年度第12大热销单曲。  此次Calvin Harris在继上一张人气专辑,名为《我创造了Disco》I Created Disco之后即将推出第二张个人专辑,本周上榜的I'm Not Alone就是专辑中投石问路的首张主打,刚一推出,就已经把连霸三周No. 1的Lady Gaga一步挤掉,坐上了榜首宝座。   在刚刚揭晓的最新一周UK CHARTS单曲榜,英国新锐制作人&DJ卡尔文哈里斯(Calvin Harris)凭借单曲《I'm Not Alone》锐不可挡,一上榜就直奔冠军而来,这也是哈里斯第一次获得英国单曲榜的冠军。  这首《I'm Not Alone》本周仅靠下载销量就夺得了英国单曲榜的桂冠,实体单曲则在当地时间4月14日正式发行。  Calvin Harris这个名字对于大多数中国乐迷是比较陌生的,但在DJ电子乐圈内,他是电子乐迷们津津乐道的人物,在club夜店他的作品更是DJ心头之好,常逛夜店的话一定会对他的歌耳熟能详。Calvin Harris在Myspace上有大批的拥护者,他的作品风格鲜明跳跃并糅合多种音乐元素。  Calvin说:我的音乐并不需要让人们做多深的理解,它们只是让大家跳舞,相信这么纯粹的宣言一定会让很多钟爱跳舞的朋友获得满足。  2007年6月,Calvin Harris的处子专辑《I Created Disco》在英国流行音乐专辑榜中获得第八名的成绩,并获得多名乐评人一致推荐,是2007年不可多得的电子佳作。第一张专辑中的单曲《Acceptable In The 80s》和《The Girls》都曾进入入英国单曲榜TOP 10,分别获得第十和第三名的好成绩,其中《The Girls》在英国单曲榜前75名中曾长驻三十四周,是当年的大热之作。 Calvin Harris: “我拒绝了Lady Gaga!"   这个苏格兰人表示自己对Lady Gaga的音乐天分没什么印象,另外他觉得对方的名字很俗!  制作人兼歌手Calvin Harris透露曾经拒了一个和Lady Gaga合作把专辑做大的机会。  Harris,最近发了名为“我并不孤独”的新单曲.在被问及拒由的时候,他说主要是因为品味不合,以及他不喜欢对方名字。“Lady Gaga刚出道的时候,没什么名气,我当时收到封和她合作的工作邮件。我心想:Lady Gaga?这算哪门子名字啊?然后我回复说我没兴趣加入。不过一年过去了,她现在蛮红的。不过我不后悔拒绝她因为我觉得她的歌不咋地!”   Harris最近准备和Katy Perry合作,但还没最后敲定。“我希望能成行,她发邮件给表示喜欢我的东西。我不  喜欢那种靠跟名人扯关系来抬高自己的家伙!”
Favoring a naughty schoolboy look that makes him seem even younger than his already tender years (22 when his first major-label album was released), Scottish artist, producer, and remixer Calvin Harris has a similarly youthful and forward-looking approach to his music. Skipping the usual apprenticeship in the clubs or on indie labels, Harris went from posting his own D.I.Y. electroclash music online through MySpace and similar sites to signing with the multinational giant EMI almost in a single step. Born on January 17, 1984, in the southern Scotland city of Dumfries, Harris was first attracted to electronic music in his teens and was recording bedroom demos by 1999. Two of these songs, "Da Bongos" and "Brighter Days," were released as a 12" club single and CD-EP by the Prima Facie label in early 2002 under the artist name Stouffer. With that single to his credit, the still teenaged Harris moved from Scotland to London, but as a very small fish in one of the world's largest and most competitive ponds, Harris floundered; only one of his songs was released during his time in London, "Let Me Know" with vocalist Ayah on the Unabombers' 2004 live-mix CD Electric Soul 2. Returning home to Dumfries, Harris began posting homemade solo recordings to his MySpace page. An A&R representative from EMI liked what he heard and signed Harris to the label in 2006. Following a pair of successful singles, "Vegas" and "Acceptable in the 80s," Harris released his debut album, I Created Disco, in the summer of 2007. Along with his work as a solo artist, which includes touring in front of a full live band, Harris has become an in-demand remixer -- working on singles by Jamiroquai, Groove Armada, All Saints, and CSS -- and wrote and produced a song for Kylie Minogue's 2007 comeback album.