歌手图片:Jessie James
歌手头像:Jessie James
艺人:Jessie James
专辑数: 1 歌曲数:12
Jessie James歌手简介:
姓名:Jessie James   中文译名:杰西·詹姆斯   生日:1988年4月12日   地区:欧美   
1990年,詹姆斯迁往中央格鲁吉亚。在新的环境下,每周她都去拜访位于纳什维尔的音乐家 likeminded 来磨练自己的创作。她音乐Demo带引起了the rejuvenated Mercury Records唱片公司主席David Massey的注意,他将杰西卡介绍给了La Reid公司主席 Def Jam 。詹姆斯很快签约 Def Jam公司,同时她与搭档作曲家 Kara DioGuardi 合作制作了第一张专辑。   21岁的新人歌手Jessie James 的首张个人同名大碟《Jessie James》。这张专辑除了包含此前发行的大热单曲“wanted”, 还有更多风格独特的Pop/Country/Rock歌曲。专辑中大部分歌曲以轻快的Pop或者抒情的Pop风格为主,如 “wanted”“I Look So Good”等,部分歌曲还融合了乡村音乐元素,如“bullet”。总之,这是一张令人喜欢的Pop大碟,喜欢乡村音乐的朋友不要错过 杰西·詹姆斯的第一首单曲名为《 wanted》(通缉),于2009年4月12日在美国发行,同时在09年5月12日在美国和加拿大的iTunes发布。她的歌曲《Blue Jeans》(蓝色牛仔裤)被选为“自由购物狂”的配乐。同时,《Blue Jeans》和《Cowboy》还被热播美剧《美女上错身》选为插曲。她的首张同名专辑《Jessie James》于2009年8月11号发行。
by Andrew Leahey
Splitting the difference between Shania Twain's twangy pop and Christina Aguilera's R&B acrobatics, vocalist Jessie James made her debut with "Blues Jeans," a song that featured prominently in the film Confessions of a Shopaholic. Born on a military base in Vicenza, Italy, the burgeoning singer relocated to central Georgia during the 1990s. She used the new location to her advantage, making weekly trips to Nashville to hone her songwriting amidst likeminded musicians. Her demo recordings soon made their way to David Massey, president of the rejuvenated Mercury Records, who subsequently brought her to the attention of Def Jam chairman L.A. Reid. James soon inked a contract with Island/Def Jam, and the label partnered her with songwriting guru Kara DioGuardi to help craft material for a debut album. "Blue Jeans" introduced her confident interpretation of country-pop in early 2009, and the singer's full-length debut -- the self-titled Jessie James -- appeared later that summer.