艺人:The Shore
专辑数: 3 歌曲数:24
The Shore歌手简介:
The Shore是美国的一个摇滚乐队,由流行音乐人 Ben Ashley在加州盐湖城组建。The Shore的风格受到The Byrds,The Beatles这类psychedelic风格的影响比较重,另外风格也类似The Beach Boys,Oasis,The Verve这类Britpop风格的乐队。
  2002年春天,Ashley跟Rick Parker合作写了几首歌。Parker从当地召集了一些音乐人成立了乐队,包括贝司手Kyle Mullarky,吉他手Cliff Magreta,鼓手John Wilmer,做了一些样本唱片。Scott Austin(Maverick A&R Executive)拿到这些样本唱片后给了他们几个月的合同。The Shore回到工作室做了他们的第一张专辑,历时3个月的时间。《The Shore EP》于2003年元旦发行。他们在2004年8月又发行了乐队的合辑《The Shore》。2005年12月与吉他名家Wayne Faler巡回演出后,他也正式加入其中。大约在这个时候The Shore为了更好的商业运作离开了Maverick A&R Executive。
The Shore washed out of L.A.'s Silverlake district in 2002. Singer and guitarist Ben Ashley first presented a batch of songs to producer pal Rick Parker. Parker liked them, and some demos were made with the help of area rockers Kyle Mularky (guitar), Cliff Magreta (bass), and John Wilmer (drums). The Shore eventually signed with Maverick Records, and issued an introductory EP before dropping their self-titled LP in August 2004. The sound? A fashionable mix of dusky Verve sway alterna-rock.