艺人:Iris Leu
专辑数: 1 歌曲数:10
Iris Leu歌手简介:
Often misinterpreted are those who take the time to do things right, but singer-songwriter Iris Leu doesn't mind the late-bloomer status. The result of this wait, through her upbringing in classical and folk/pop music and studies in classical lit, is the alchemy of melancholy at its finest.
Her musical growth is assessed by the acquirement of various instruments — piano, violin, cello, voice – which coalesce in the discipline of songwriting. Post-college, Iris boomeranged into the Dallas music scene in 2005 and garnered nods from Dallas Songwriters'; Association, Unisong, and International Music Awards song contests for songwriting and performance.
January 2007 sees the release of the first studio-produced effort from Iris, a five-song EP titled permanent transient. Contrary to being a collection of comforting ballads as the melodies would suggest, the songs retreat to the dirt and grim of the human psyche and explore the hushed tragedies of our postmodern time.
They demonstrate her versatility to write and perform in different genres, from the Mojito-soaked Applebomme, to the heart-thumping arrangement of Blumenthol. From a socially sensitive songwriter, these are tensely built songs that do not overlook the contemporary heart of its knuckle shape.