艺人:Jonathan Jones
专辑数: 2 歌曲数:25
Jonathan Jones歌手简介:
风格:Indie, Pop, Orchestra
Jonathan Jones, current singer of the indie rock band We Shot The Moon, and former singer of the rock quartet Waking Ashland, is releasing his first independent full-length album on June 14th. Titled Community Group, this record is a compilation of ten melody-driven songs, written and performed by the Southern California native.
Community Group is a fan-funded, self-released album, made possible by Kickstarter, a website where supporters were given the opportunity to pledge money to Jones in order to help him finance this new release. “The title of the album largely (but not entirely) comes from the Kickstarter experience of making a record in a non-traditional community setting with my fans,” says Jones.
“I wrote this album looking to challenge myself on making a recording that was a departure from my previous projects’ over-produced sound.” Community Group features an array of instruments, such as a string quartet, brass, harp, and a heavy dose of piano. “I was dependent on these instruments as the backbone to this project, instead of always going to the guitar.”