艺人:El Goodo
专辑数: 1 歌曲数:11
El Goodo歌手简介:
Drenched in hazy rich harmonies, ringing guitars, and horns, the mysterious El Goodo are a '60s psychedelia revival band from the village of Resolven in South Wales, U.K. The members -- who don't use their last names -- include Jason (vocals, guitar, keyboard), Pixy (vocals, bass, guitar, keyboard), Lewis (guitar), Elliot (drums, keyboard), and Matty (vocals, keyboard). Friends Super Furry Animals have brought El Goodo along on tour as well as released their self-titled debut on their own label, Placid Casual, in late 2005. The album was released in the U.S. on Empyrean Records in October 2006.