专辑数: 1 歌曲数:12
by Chris True
A one-man project out of London, England, FrYars -- that is to say, Ben Garrett -- got his start as a drummer for the Aneneomie before setting out on his own. FrYars' first release, the Ides EP, was conceived and played (mostly) by Garrett himself. Helping hands were found in the efforts of Robbie Stern and Max Bloom from Cajun Dance Party and Jack Steadman from Bombay Bicycle Club. FrYars shows started out rather small, with Garrett at the piano in an intimate setting.
乐队 fryarcorp
乐队成员 Fryars is a Solo Artist;
The Live Band is:
Chris Hutchings; DRUMS.
Max Taylor; BASS.
Sana Khan; PIANO.
E-mail FrYars.
E-mail Management- Jo Hillier.
Press - dan@darlinguk
Booking - dlevy@wma
Live - aslater@wma
唱片公司 frYarcorp