艺人:Duff McKagans Loaded
专辑数: 1 歌曲数:13
Duff McKagans Loaded歌手简介:
名字: Duff McKagan
  本名: Michael McKagan
  生日: 1964年2月5日
  出生地:Seattle, USA
  乐器技能: 吉他, 鼓, 贝司, 演唱
  在枪花任职: Bass
  喜欢的音乐: PUNK!
  Duff McKagan1964年2月5日在美国Seattle出生。用他自己的话形容他的成长经历, "音乐伴我成长"。 他的爸爸是位理发师,他的七个兄弟姐妹基本上都会玩几种乐器。 是他的哥哥Bruce,教他学会用贝司弹出第一支曲子. DUFF记得自己15到19岁之间大概在当地参加过30多支乐队。他不仅仅会弹贝司,鼓和吉他玩的也很不错。一次演出中打鼓还被英国的朋克乐队Angelic Upstarts看中,差点成为正式鼓手。但是去英国生活的想法对于当时还很年轻的他来讲,确实有些遥远,他还是决定留在家乡,呆在自己的乐队里。但是Seattle的演出机会毕竟很有限,所以到了20岁,DUFF决定去洛杉矶发展,并且最终选择作一名贝司手,原因用他自己的话说,“我听到过许多关于洛杉矶音乐圈的传闻,大家都知道,那里已经有成群优秀的吉他手,我不觉得自己弹吉他的水平足够作一名顶级的吉他手。”
  Guns N' Roses并不是Duff到洛杉矶后加入的第一支乐队。他曾经接到过Slash的电话,“他起了个许多朋克玩家的名字。”,DUFF开玩笑说。Slash和他的朋友Steven Adler组建了支叫做Road Crew的乐队,一直在招集人马。Duff和他们两个见了面,但即使是这时候,DUFF的外表都还散发着他骨子里浸润已久的PUNK气质,尤其是他那一头混杂着红色,金色和黑色的长发。“……那时我仍希望可以找到几个玩老式朋克的朋友。Slash和Steven和他们的女朋友一起去了,,他们的女朋友看到我的头发几乎认为我是个homo……”
  Duff在1985年春天加入了Road Crew乐队。可是Road Crew's缺乏成型的作品,甚至连排练都很少,这使Duff一天天地失望下去。于是Duff再次在当地报纸上留意征集乐手的信息,并且看到了AXL的电话,Duff意识到,Guns N' Roses的阵容还没到完善的地步。
  他积极地为乐队制订一些演出计划,当Rob Gardener和Tracii Guns因为一些原因不愿参加西海岸的演出后,Duff联系了Slash他们两个加入枪花。一系列的西海岸演出过后,Duff正式邀请Road Crew的两个人加入枪与玫瑰乐队。Slash和Steven抓住了机遇,虽然最初他们的目的是把Axl挖过来。
  Duff担当起Road Crew和Guns N' Roses两支乐队间的联系者。虽然这次"Hell Tour"在经济上宣告彻底失败,但是它促成了两支乐队之间的交流,为他们的合并打下了基础。Guns N' Roses现在对自己有了清楚的感知,并认真起来准备闯一番天地。
  Duff在Guns N' Roses一直呆到1997年,直到枪花彻底分裂后,Tommy Stinson顶上了他的空缺做了枪与玫瑰的贝司手。他在1993年发行了张SOLO专集《Believe In Me》. 1996年他还参与过Neurotic Outsiders乐队一张专集的制做
by Bradley Torreano
The youngest of eight children, Duff McKagan was born in Seattle, WA, in the spring of 1964. His real name is Michael, but his family gave him the nickname Duff at the age of two and it stuck. He grew up rebellious, falling in love with punk and glam rock by the time he was a teenager. His brother, Bruce, introduced him to the bass, but he did not take to the instrument right away. At the tender age of 16, the Fastbacks hired him on as their drummer, giving him his first shot in the developing Seattle rock scene. He left the band toward the end of 1981 and began playing in countless other punk combos in the area. Most influential was his work with the Fartz, a band that never made it that far but served as one of the primary influences on grunge innovator, Mudhoney. While McKagan enjoyed the gigs he was working, he tried his luck in Los Angeles after a few years of playing in the Northwest. Upon moving to the town, he met future Guns N' Roses founders Slash and Steven Adler, and decided to form a trio with the others called Road Crew. The band gave them the kind of visibility they craved, but upon meeting Indiana transplants Izzy Stradlin and Axl Rose, the five flirted with the idea of combining their forces, until finally Guns N' Roses became a reality in 1985.
After a self-released EP gained them more attention in the Los Angeles area, Geffen Records signed them for an album in 1986. The result, Appetite for Destruction, would be one of the most important rock records ever released, although it would be hard to tell from the initial impact. The album floundered at first, McKagan even considered going back to Seattle, until "Welcome to the Jungle" became a runaway hit. The band instantly became a huge sensation, and the media ate up their bad boy reputation and incredible live performances. The whole band let fame get to them, but no member took it as seriously as Axl Rose, who began to shake up the band with his increasingly controversial statements to the media and erratic behavior. Things became serious during the release of the Lies EP, which featured a racist rant in the song "One in a Million" that McKagan and Slash both spoke out against in the press. Rose slowly continued to dominate the band, driving out Adler and Stradlin and replacing them with less vocal contributors Matt Sorum and Gilby Clarke. Ironically, McKagan and Slash bonded with these two members strongly, making the distance between Rose and the other members only larger. When the band hit the road for the endless Use Your Illusion tour, the backstage decadence and wild spending became ridiculous, as opening bands would report to the press about orgies and pig roasts.
McKagan was disillusioned with the music he was making, and after contributing songs to Iggy Pop's Brick by Brick, he tried his hand at a solo album. His drinking had gotten wildly out of control, and the resulting Believe in Me was a disjointed and awkward effort that failed to spark the public's interest. When the tour ended, McKagan discovered that his pancreas was in such terrible shape that he had to immediately give up drinking or face almost-certain death. After a cover of the Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil," the band separated to take time away from one another. Thinking that Guns N' Roses was just taking a break, McKagan started working with Slash on the Slash's Snakepit project along with the other members of Guns N' Roses, except for Rose. Sessions for a new Guns N' Roses album continually fell apart, and McKagan started working with the Neurotic Outsiders and several solo projects from fellow- and former-Guns N' Roses members. As the years began to tick away, Rose finally sent news to the remaining members of the band that they had to stop working on other projects or they were going to be fired. That was the final straw for McKagan, as he separated from the band and joined Seattle punk rockers Ten Minute Warning, a band he had played in almost 15 years before.
Since that point, McKagan has continued to release solo projects, perform with his fellow Guns N' Roses outcasts, and was married for the third time. He even had his first child in 1999, and managed to get acting jobs on television. He ran a marathon in 2001, right before reuniting with Izzy Stradlin for a tour of Japan. The likelihood of the original Guns N' Roses reuniting looks slimmer every year, but even his brief time with that band will forever give McKagan the notoriety that has made him one of the most recognizable bassists in rock music.